by plant4health | Feb 6, 2015 | Plant-based, Vegan, Vegan restaurants
Happy Cow photo at Wild Cow in Nashville
Pear, spinach salad at Millenium in SF
Grilled tofu with rice and veggies at Wild Cow in Nashville
Mike Gospe enjoying a taco sampler at Wild Cow in Nashville
I was a vegetarian for 18 years before I became a vegan in 2010. Once I cut out dairy, I realized just how much cheese is in restaurant fare – on salads, over pasta, on pizza, etc. Over the years, I’ve learned to plan ahead, explore new restaurants and not hesitate to ask wait staff for their assistance in selecting vegan-friendly menu items. Here are some tips that I’ve learned…
Friends & Family:
When dining at a family member’s or friend’s home: (more…)
by plant4health | Feb 3, 2015 | Plant-based
Did you know that you hold Consumer Power, the power to change how foods are being produced and what foods are available in the stores?
Think about it… whenever you go to the grocery store and make a purchase you are sending a message to the company selling that product, all of the businesses that helped produce it (manufacturers and suppliers) and the store, that you like this product. You are casting your vote, “Yes, I want more”. (more…)
by plant4health | Jan 29, 2015 | Nutrition, Plant-based, Vegan, Whole food, plant-based
In response to many requests for detailed information on how to eat a low glycemic alkaline diet to reverse disease, we have developed this Healing with Food: Menu Guide. We’ve experienced first hand how focusing on nutrition, alkalizing the body, and eating only whole plant-based foods reverses cancer. Read our story.
Our website has many wonderful resources about the benefits of a plant-based diet and the importance of balancing your pH during the healing process and in maintaining perfect health.
We’d love to hear from you about your experience eating a plant-based diet. Contact us to share your story.
Follow our blog and join us as we learn how to be healthy from the inside out.
by plant4health | Jan 19, 2015 | Nutrition, Plant-based, Vegan
Where do you get your protein? That’s a question most of us who have transitioned to a vegan, whole foods plant-based diet are asked by concerned or inquisitive family and friends.
The answer is, plants! Plants provide all of the protein our bodies need to thrive.
Along with the other macronutrients (carbohydrates and fat), protein is necessary for human survival. Protein is built from twenty amino acids, of which our body makes 11, leaving 9 that we need to get from food (called essential). Plant-based foods contain all of the essential amino acids our bodies need to make high quality protein. (more…)