Plant-based4Health Co-founders

Mary Gospe
Mary has been interested in health and nutrition since she was a teenager. She became a vegetarian at age 29 and adopted a vegan, whole food, plant-based lifestyle in 2010. Mary appreciates that a plant-based diet is not only healthy for humans, but compassionate towards animals and the environment.
In 2015, Mary earned a certificate in plant-based nutrition from the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies. She is also a co-founder and practitioner with Soul Healing Studio, teaching meditation classes and offering energy healing sessions. Mary is a performing inspirational singer/songwriter and member of the New Age Pop band, The Song Gardeners.

Kathy Gospe Parnay
In October 2012, Kathy and her family’s life took an unexpected turn when her husband Stefan was diagnosed with aggressive prostate cancer. Through the amazing, overwhelming, and life-changing journey of supporting Stefan through his battle with cancer, Kathy has become a strong advocate for eating for wellness. Countless hours of research and networking led to diet and lifestyle changes that resulted in Stefan becoming cancer free without traditional treatments. Read their story, Our Journey with Prostate Cancer. Today, her family continues to thrive on a plant-based diet. When not in the kitchen, Kathy enjoys, reading, writing, hiking, and helping others on their journey to wellness.